Thursday, July 27, 2017

'Frankie, This Is God'

'Frankie, this is 'God'. Yeah, I know, you told me to not bother you at home but this is important. Turn that 'movie' off, and come out of your closet! WTF are you doing down there!!?? How many times have I told told you to knock it TFO with the homophobic crap! I swear Frankie, if I was 'real' I'd send such a lightning bolt up your arse so fast you'd spin like a friggin' top for weeks! Can't you just be low key for once in your pitifully spoiled life? I mean really! Geez...! You've made a cool fortune playing off my 'once upon a time' mythology, you have $$$ coming outta your hairy ears, tax free mansions all over the globe, you have yachts, and giant jet planes, you never have to claim income or pay taxes, and all you gotta do is just fleece your flock of human sheep of their $$$, lay low and live high on the hog! But no, you can't shut your yap for one second! GD it frankie, you're trying my patience boy!
Do you really believe that Trump gives a big cow poop about you, and your lemming-like flock of suckers? Really? All he cares about is the fact that your flock of human sheep can 'Vote'. That's it frankie! The 'vote'! That's all he wants from you, oh, and your $$contributions$$ to his coffers. The more you give, the more he pretends that he's a devoted 'Christian'. In other words he does not mind putting his head up your arse to grab the bucks. And, Frankie, why are you so homophobic, and such a bigot, such a racist? Have you learned nothing from my fables? Do you actually believe that there are no gays or trans in your church? I think you 'fear' the very thing that 'interests' you most Frankie. Ever wonder why you 'hate' them so much. Or 'do' you Frankie? Just sayin'.
I'm gonna keep a holy eye on you Frankie, it appears that you share a terrible trait, or affliction, with Trump called, 'Republicanism', a horrible mental condition that tends to block out reality and common sense, which in turn causes the affected person to say, and do incredibly idiotic, and dangerous things, not caring who it hurts or what consequence's it may bring. It's not a pretty sight Frankie, and it's a 'suit' that fits no one well. All I can say Frankie, is stay away from thunderstorms, trees, and high places, I'm watching you! Remember Frankie, Vengence is Mine.'

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Christian schadenfreude -
Christian schadenfreude: Sadistic conservative Christians take delight in Trump’s transgender troop ban and celebrate the president’s cruel bigotry

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