Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The "Fake News" Syndrome

 Trump carries an 'infectious mental' condition called the "Fake News Syndrome". Unfortunately there is no known cure for this malady, and anyone who is unlucky enough to even 'think' of Trump is subject to contracting this horrible, unforgiving condition. Symptoms of this debilitating 'disease' manifests itself in the form of 'praising' Trump without any logical explanation as to why, repeating, and actually practicing unbelievable conspiracy theories conjured up by Trump, repeating, and actually believing Trumps never ending lies, subscribing to his unrealistic phobias, coming to his defense even knowing that they logically should not, refusing, even in the light of evidence to the contrary, that they are wrong in continuing to adore a man who has lied to them, and has led they astray. Of course there are many more manifestations of this ugly mental syndrome, of which there's not enough room here to enumerate, but suffice it to say, or as Trump himself is want to say, "you ain't seen nothing yet", "Sad, so sad".


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