Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Just Let It "Fail"

'That's right, that's what I said, you heard me correctly, “Let Obamacare fail," "It’ll be a lot easier, and I think we’re probably in that position where we’ll just let Obamacare fail. We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it.” “For seven years, I’ve been hearing repeal and replace from Congress. I’ve been hearing it loud and strong, and when we finally get a chance to repeal and replace, they don’t take advantage of it. So that’s disappointing,” “As I have always said, let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan. Stay tuned!” Disgusting. I don't care what happens to it as long as it 'fails' I don't care about the Millions, and Millions of Americans that will be left with absolutly 'no' health care when Obamacare fails. This isn't about 'them', it's about 'Me', me, me, me! Did I mention that this is about 'Me'? That's right, it always has been. Americans can just fend for themselves. Let'em go out and get a job. I don't care about Americans, never have, never will. Lazy people. Welfare leeches. Sad, so sad. It's not my fault they didn't have a rich daddy like I did. Hey, I, myself, and my whole entitled family, have health insurance because I can afford it, because I work for a living. Get a job Americans! Obama made this mess, it's his fault, not mine, "I'm not going to own it"! All my voters are so dissappointed right now. Not with Me, but with Obama. They still love and support me one hundred percent, every one of them! He left a big mess for me to clean up, and that's what I promised my Republican minions I'd do. Now look, my own party dissing me! Cowards! Only thinking about their Own voters. Why do they even bother to care about 'their' Americans!? Disgusting! Terrible. What about Me!? Now, I really 'Do' look like a fool! I mean, look at me! Do I look like a fool or what? Stevie promised me that all this would work out for me, and I'd be the biggest hero ever. Hugely! What happened Stevie!? Where are you hiding, you pimple faced moron? Stevie, your Fired! And take that sniviling Kellyann with you! And take your stupid Muskeeteer pillow with you! I'll never use it again! I'm not having any fun anymore! I wish I could smack someone right up side their head! Grabbing an actress by her, 'you know what', would make me feel better. Did I mention my huge 'numbers'? Millions of voters. I have millions of faithful 'tweeters' too. Actually around one billion at last count. Some people think I'm crazy, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I'm the onlt 'sane' person in the White House. Me! Me! Me! Did I mention that I never fail? I always win because I'm a good cheater. Cheaters never loose, loosers never win. I'm a winner. Really, I am. Really. I'm not lying this time, and that's the 'truth'. That's why "I'm President, and you're not". That's the 'truth', As I know it. Stevie! Where are you!!? Come here, right now! Stevieeeeee? WaaaaWaaaWaa!'

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"Let ObamaCare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan. Stay tuned!”|By POLITICO

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