Saturday, July 8, 2017

Just Let'em Die

  '...and Then, when we come across, saaay...a Drowning person for instance, they will just have to learn to swim 'cause we will Not try to save them from themselves, and, if some dumb ass crosses the street against traffic and gets slammed by an oncoming car, don't bother calling us, and you 'know' why, and, if someone is stupid enough to get in the way of a bullet, good luck on calling us, we won't be there, it's your fault for playing around guns, and if your husband beats your butt three ways from hell, call your Mama, 'cause we won't come to save you, you got yourself in that pickle, you get yourself out of it. Yeah, I can hear you Democrats whining now, 'but Sheriff, you have sworn to protect and serve your constituents, and come to their aid when they are in danger', yeah well, forget all that trash folks, because if you 'caused' your problem it is not Our job to help you solve it, or to save your life if you can't. But hey, we don't actually 'mind' if you call us first though, it's just that 'We' will decide if we come to your aid or not. Of course we will base our unethical decision on many factors, the main one being whether if we think you put yourself in that situation in the first place. If you Did, then good luck dead man. Remember to vote for me next Republican election time, I'm always 'there' for you or my name ain't Dicky Jones!'

Deplorable -
A Trump-loving Ohio sheriff claims you only enable addicts by saving their lives, and will not allow his deputies to use Narcan to prevent death by overdose.

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