Friday, June 30, 2017

They've Landed On Mars!


This BREAKING 'News' just in, here at 'BBSN', the 'News' Channel you can always trust with the First, and Last 'news' of the day. Our 'special' news guy BuddyBlack has been on this story since it broke a few days ago. Now this;

 A 'special' investigative team from the White House consisting of Steve Bannon, the Presidents 'invisible' Puppeteer, Kellyann Conway, the Presidents official flappable 'Mouth' piece, and Vice President Pence, Jesus' right hand man, has made a 'one way' sojourn to the not far enough away, planet Mars. Unfortunately for 'them', but not so much for humanity, the President refused to budget enough money for a round trip fare on the 'Good Ship Trumpity-Pop' claiming that his 'wall' is actually more important to him than replaceable 'minions'. However, and how 'lucky' for them, they do have enough food and water for about two weeks. Unfortunately for the rest of them, Kellyann has the only firearm, smuggled through 'Space Customs'.
The good news so far is that they have determined that, no, there is not a NASA "child slave colony on Mars" as first 'reported' by Fox News. However, they 'have' found all the ships, and airplanes that have over the years 'disappeared' in the Bermuda Triangle. They also found Amelia Earhart, Bugs Bunnies 'Lucky Foot', Jimmy Hoffa's cement filled shoes, and unbelievably, the candy company that makes those yummy namesake Candy Bars that have fattened earthlings up since way back when. During the last radio transmission from Mars, Kellyann was 'heard' proclaiming, 'there, now it's all mine!' NASA has now decided that at least for a few months, it is way too risky to attempt another trip to Mars, or at least until they can determine how long a human can subsist on candy bars.
A big shout-out to our intrepid, and 'dogged' reporter BuddyBlack for digging up the 'truth' like a dog with a bone to pick. Tune in again, you never know when unbelievable 'news' will strike.

See More
NASA says it’s not running a child slave colony on Mars

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