Monday, July 31, 2017

Find 'Chaos', And Fire Him!

'Chaos? What? In the White House? WTH are they talking about!? I haven't hired anyone by that name. Stevie, what's this all about? Somebody said his first name is 'Alotof', 'Alotof Chaos'??what kind of name is That!? Unbelievable! Did you hire this guy? What a stupid name!
Kellyann, find this guy and Fire him, Now! Search everywhere, especially in the closets, but stay out of Mine, I know there's no Chaos in there. I can't have a 'Chaos' in my administration How would that ...look? Disgusting! Terrible! Not here! I bet Obama planted 'Chaos' in the White House to make me 'look' bad. You know, like I need help doing that one. Let me be perfectly 'clear', and very opaque at the same time about this rumor, there's no 'Chaos' in my White House! Really. I'm not telling a lie this time. Trust me. No kidding. Really. Get that guy out of my 'house'!!'. )

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President Trump took to Twitter to demand credit for his achievements, as he continued to threaten Congress and insurance companies over his health care failure.

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