Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Pre-Exixting Condition

 'Now I 'know' some of you 'demon-crats', and 'heart-bleeders' are probably wondering, 'what in the world is Mo Brooks, the consummate Republican poster boy 'thinking', is he senile, does 'he' have a "pre-existing condition", is he crazy, is he at a loss for common sense, is he totally out of touch with the common man, is he 'off' his medication, has he absolutely lost his baffled brain?' But no, let me assure you that even if 'most' of that is 'true', I'm just as 'sane', and in touch with reality, as the next tunnel visioned Republican that's crazy enough to give a recorded interview with a "Fake News" media. But perhaps I should 'clarify' some of my quoted statements which may or may not have been taken out of context or not, perhaps. When I say, "people who lead good lives", does not mean that there are people who 'don't live good lives'. It simply means that most people simply 'live lives'. Most people who 'live lives' probably need health insurance. The people who 'don't' need insurance probably aren't living their lives at all. To be more 'clear' about this, let me say this about that. Good people do good things to live good lives, and so they don't use as much health care as people who do bad things and live bad lives. The bad doers use more insurance than good doers but because bad doers use more, and are unhealthy because they can't afford good health coverage, and so have lots and lots of "pre-existing conditions", and don't have money to pay for good care, the good doers who don't have "pre-existing conditions" wind up paying more to subsidize the bad doers who do, and never pay Anything. It's just that 'simple, and I hope that I have cleared this up by clarifying the opaqueness of my otherwise muddy statements that rolled off my un-tutored Republican tongue. Now, do I make myself absolutely 'clear'?'

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks claims “people who lead good lives” don’t have pre-existing conditions, and people without pre-existing conditions have "done things…

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