Sunday, July 23, 2017

And So, Jesus 'Said'...

'Dear Roger, I know you'll be surprised to hear from 'the man' but I have chosen you to be my special emissary, my spokesman, my mouth piece, my enforcer. I've had my good eye on you for quite a while now, yes, even when you are in your snappy, foil lined, 'special closet' where you 'think' I can't see you. It's not what you do that I like, it's what you think, that I like. I love 'radicals' Roger, and I really love you. And to show you just how much I 'love' you, I'm gonna anoint you as my special 'Radicalized Evangelical Christian Taliban Bible Thumping Republican Poster Boy'. Now listen closely, don't miss a word, or misinterpret a single important thing I say. You must go forth, blindly, and without reverse, and spread the 'gospel' as only you can interpret it. Your enemy is Obama Care. You must destroy it no matter the cost in innocent lives, no matter the human suffering that might result. Fight the 'good' fight Roger, from now on you are a holy rolling Bible scripture spouting, Christian soldier swinging the sword of righteousness, loping off the heads of the unbelievers, also known as Democrats, and wayward Republicans alike. I say unto you Roger, and you may quote me freely, 'Poor people don't want health care'. That's right Roger, they just don't want it. They like being poor, and in poor health. They love being sick, and watching their families, their children, dying from lack of proper medical attention. It's up to you Roger, a proud 'Trum-Pet', a solid fire breathing 'Christian' Republican, a man who shares the same moral ground as your President, to insure that all Americans eventually are in poor health, unable to afford decent medical attention, unable to afford to even think about their children's future. Now get out there and spread 'my' word, convert your colleagues to your way of thinking, and remember to always quote the Bible, and me right along with it to ensure that your own special, personal agendas are placed far ahead of what Americans really need. Now, go get'tem Roger, I've got your back. Love ya, Jesus'.

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