Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The 'Blame' Game

This was a foregone conclusion that it would never happen in the first place. Trump with his 'ObamaPhobia' mental condition, convinced his followers that he was thinking only of them when he promised that he would destroy the ACA, and replace it with his own version of saving America. When in fact, his frothing hate of Obama had blinded him to the point of insanity, and getting rid of anything vaguely associated with Obama was his only driving force. It's not hard to trick fo...ols who can't think for themselves. All this, when all they had to do was adjust, repair, modify, and tweek the parts of the ACA that needed it, and yes there were many facets of the ACA that needed it, and they would have made something that Americans could benefit from. But instead, they all hopped aboard Trumps phobia train because they just could not imagine thinking on their own, it was the Republican Party way, or the highway. And now their phobia train has derailed, and they are blaming their blind leadership, and failure to pass, on the Democratic Party. They have no one to blame but themselves. Had they agreed to work With the Democrats in the beginning, instead of being good lemmings and following their piper over the cliff of no return, all this could already have been sorted out, and a good healthcare plan in place for every American. Trump is what you get when you elect a foolish, self centered, egotistical, clue less, out of his element, deconstructionist, as President of the United States of America. The sooner Trumps starry eyed followers wake up, the sooner America can get back on track to the greatness that we really are. Trump has not, as he promised his minions, made "America great again", it was already "great" long before he came along, but he has done damage that will take decades to repair.

See More
Defections may end overhaul effort; McConnell now pushing for a showdown vote

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