Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Not So 'Transparent' After All

Trumps White House, and this starts at the top, is slowly, and hoping Americans won't even notice, replacing the 'Transparent Wall of Democracy' that has historically surrounded our White House, and Government, with their own form of "Fake" opaque film. Trump, and Spicer are counting on Americans to become complacent about the lack of factual news, and accountability that these news briefings has, until now, afforded the press, and America, to have insight about the policies,... and going-on's of the Administration in general. Without these briefings Americans are left in the dark, which is exactly where Trump wants Americans to be. Spicer is so 'truth-shy' that he became camera shy to the point that he refuses to conduct the White House briefings on camera. He has picked his favorite reporters who represent the media outlets that are favorable to the Trump cause, and is not shy about attacking those critical of the Trump Administration. Spicer's, also Clueless, partner in crime Sarah Huckabee is cut of the same disinformation cloth. They both cringe at the thought of their fellow Americans watching them on camera as they spew out Trumps lies, and trying to defend the "Fake News" that Trump churns out daily, hoping that the more often they tell these unbelievable lies the sooner Americans will believe them as true, and the sooner Americans will even care due to sensory overload. Their idea of 'out of sight, out of mind' in one they hope actually makes them invisible. And it seems to be working with the 'Press Corps', and the media they represent as they have bent over backwards to go along with, and barely complain about, the eroding 'Wall of Transparency' that they can no longer see through. Steve Bannon's plan of "deconstructing America" is alive and well, and Trump, and his White House is simply his forum of getting it done while he himself remains hidden behind what seems to be an impenetrable shield of secrecy, and dark intrigue. America cannot afford to allow the light of Government Transparency to be dimmed by these incompetent deconstructionists.

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On Thursday, June 29, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders held an on-camera press briefing. The White House hasn't done one since.
cnn.com|By Chris Cillizza

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