Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Bunch Of Loosers

'Oh you all are a bunch of loosers! How do you even call yourselves Republicans!? I have been "let down" like no president has Ever been let down! Well, except maybe for Lincoln. But really, you guys threw me right under the Obamacare bus! That hurts. Really big. Hugely guys. Not kidding. Didn't I tell you that I was sitting at my desk with "pen in hand"? There I was, camera crew chaffing at the bit to make me look good for once, and what do you do, you screwed me like a cheap whore. Of course you 'know' I'll never forget nor will I ever forgive you for this treachery. Never! Ever! Did you forget that you work for Me, not the American public. Crybabies! You have managed to make us look like simpletons! Stupid! Useless! That's My job! Yours is to keep applauding me no matter how Simple or stupid I look, or as usual, act. No matter how stupid I act when in the presence of smarter minds, your job is to make me look superior, even though we all 'know' I'm obviously not. I'm so sad, even my dog hates me now! My hot wife won't even hold hands with me now. Sad! You're all fired! Fired, fired, fired! Did I mention, Fired?'

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The president was blindsided by the latest collapse of a Republican health care bill, which happened just after a White House dinner he held with seven lawmakers.

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