Monday, July 31, 2017

Find 'Chaos', And Fire Him!

'Chaos? What? In the White House? WTH are they talking about!? I haven't hired anyone by that name. Stevie, what's this all about? Somebody said his first name is 'Alotof', 'Alotof Chaos'??what kind of name is That!? Unbelievable! Did you hire this guy? What a stupid name!
Kellyann, find this guy and Fire him, Now! Search everywhere, especially in the closets, but stay out of Mine, I know there's no Chaos in there. I can't have a 'Chaos' in my administration How would that ...look? Disgusting! Terrible! Not here! I bet Obama planted 'Chaos' in the White House to make me 'look' bad. You know, like I need help doing that one. Let me be perfectly 'clear', and very opaque at the same time about this rumor, there's no 'Chaos' in my White House! Really. I'm not telling a lie this time. Trust me. No kidding. Really. Get that guy out of my 'house'!!'. )

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President Trump took to Twitter to demand credit for his achievements, as he continued to threaten Congress and insurance companies over his health care failure.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Smoking Gun

The facts, are the facts. America was 'born' with a gun in hand, and here we are all these years later, dying at the smoking end of one. A sad 'indictment' of American society indeed.

Although America's unique relationship to guns sits at the forefront of the national psyche, gun culture in the US is often seen as an outlier globally. Here's how US gun culture compares with the rest of the world.

Me, Me, Me

Trump just has no Clue. He sees his 'reflection' even in the dark. It's all about him, with his 'Me, Me, Me' syndrome. Lonely man.

President Donald Trump's plans to reinstate a ban on transgender people serving in the military takes the US off a short list of countries that allow individuals to serve in the armed forces regardless of gender identity.

I'm Like, In His Pocket

'Oh my God! I was there in the flesh! Right there! I practically had my hand in my boss' back pocket! I was that close I tell you! I saw it all, and what a 'sight' it was to see. I 'personally' counted, with my own un-aided eagle like eyes, and yes they both actually work, at least 95 thousand Boy Scouts. Of course I saw no need to count the thousands of Scout leaders, and parents, and 'camp followers' but there were thousands, and thousands, of them all over the place! It a virtual sea of clapping humanity. You should have 'seen' how happy, humbled, and proud they were to be in the shining Christian presence of His Majesty Trump! Clap, clap, clap, clap, never have I seen such enthusiasm, and childish giddiness as they were prodded on by the master of "Fake News" himself as he filled their innocent little brains with useless political memes. And oh, they clapped their sweaty little Scout hands until they could clap no more, clap, clap, clap, clap, but More they did as they were goaded on by their clueless 'adult' leaders. What numbers! Huge! Bigly! No President has ever been treated so warmly by so many little naïve children in all of this broken Americas history than His Royal Hiney was on this glorious day that will live on in infamy, or at least until the next President takes over. My wonderful, benevolent 'boss' wants me to thank every gullible person that helped make his unfortunate appearance possible, but mostly Me, because without me, there would be no him, and without him, there'd be no me. He pats my back, I scratch his,...and Stevie's. Great guys. Wonderful.
Well, that's all for today you bunch of "Fake News" reporters. No questions because I have absolutely no logical answers for anything you might ask. Please retrieve your brains at the door on your way out.'

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White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she had not seen the letter of apology issued by the Boy Scouts of America for the political content in…

Friday, July 28, 2017

The 'New' American 'Politics'

Can't all these incompetent 'Trum-Pets' just get along? Oh never mind, they were all handjobbed, er, 'hand picked' that is, by Trump, The Incompetent himself. We should expect no more but certainly a lot Less of minions such as this. Gee, what will tomorrows tweets bring?
This is Trumps new 'hired gun' bully. He'll do the dirty bully work that will 'clean house' of the other 'Vermin' that Trump hired for his "sewer" swamp, but is now tired of. There will come a time, and sooner than later, that Scaramucci himself will fall victim to even a newer pest exterminator. Trump, The Incompetent, can only hire the incompetent, as he, himself, has reached his level of incompetency. "Sad, so sad".

The new White House communications director also seemed to blame Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in an awkward comment to CNN: "If Reince wants to explain he's not…

The White House, Starring The 'Carnivores'

And so it begins, the Republican 'carnivores' feasting upon one another, with the master 'carver' at the head of the 'long table', filing his saber-like incisors, drooling at the thought of his next 'victim'. Trump, The Incompetent, giving us the big 'finger'.

Reince Priebus out, John Kelly in as White House chief of staffUpdated 4:54 PM ET, Fri July 28, 2017 Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has selected…|By Jeremy Diamond

'Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap'

'Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap clap, clap....Thank you for suffering my insufferable presence, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap..I know you are humbled, and honored to be clapping in my presence, clap, clap, clap, clap..l..thank you, thank you, clap,clap, clap, as you know, I'm a great big, hugely fan of Law Enforcement, even though I'm actually above the law and not one of you out there can touch me, clap, clap,..You know what, I think you are not tough enough, mean enough,... violent enough, aggressive enough, you should be more violent than you are when it comes to "bad hombres', clap, clap,..I have your backs, so get out there and hurt people, whack'em, shoot'em, punch'em right in the chops, don't worry, I'll pay your bail, and I'll even send you some canteen money when you are found guilty and sent to Sing-Sing forever, clap...have I mentioned my huge numbers, the millions, and millions of votes that got me in front of you today, clap...and how about that crooked Hillary, clap... gonna put her in jail,...I'm sure everyone here is a staunch Republican, if not it's not to late to convert to 'Republicanism',....hello, is this mic turned on...can you hear me out there...helloooooo..are you still there....?' ;/

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President Trump speaks to law enforcement officials about cracking down on MS-13 gang members.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

'Frankie, This Is God'

'Frankie, this is 'God'. Yeah, I know, you told me to not bother you at home but this is important. Turn that 'movie' off, and come out of your closet! WTF are you doing down there!!?? How many times have I told told you to knock it TFO with the homophobic crap! I swear Frankie, if I was 'real' I'd send such a lightning bolt up your arse so fast you'd spin like a friggin' top for weeks! Can't you just be low key for once in your pitifully spoiled life? I mean really! Geez...! You've made a cool fortune playing off my 'once upon a time' mythology, you have $$$ coming outta your hairy ears, tax free mansions all over the globe, you have yachts, and giant jet planes, you never have to claim income or pay taxes, and all you gotta do is just fleece your flock of human sheep of their $$$, lay low and live high on the hog! But no, you can't shut your yap for one second! GD it frankie, you're trying my patience boy!
Do you really believe that Trump gives a big cow poop about you, and your lemming-like flock of suckers? Really? All he cares about is the fact that your flock of human sheep can 'Vote'. That's it frankie! The 'vote'! That's all he wants from you, oh, and your $$contributions$$ to his coffers. The more you give, the more he pretends that he's a devoted 'Christian'. In other words he does not mind putting his head up your arse to grab the bucks. And, Frankie, why are you so homophobic, and such a bigot, such a racist? Have you learned nothing from my fables? Do you actually believe that there are no gays or trans in your church? I think you 'fear' the very thing that 'interests' you most Frankie. Ever wonder why you 'hate' them so much. Or 'do' you Frankie? Just sayin'.
I'm gonna keep a holy eye on you Frankie, it appears that you share a terrible trait, or affliction, with Trump called, 'Republicanism', a horrible mental condition that tends to block out reality and common sense, which in turn causes the affected person to say, and do incredibly idiotic, and dangerous things, not caring who it hurts or what consequence's it may bring. It's not a pretty sight Frankie, and it's a 'suit' that fits no one well. All I can say Frankie, is stay away from thunderstorms, trees, and high places, I'm watching you! Remember Frankie, Vengence is Mine.'

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Christian schadenfreude -
Christian schadenfreude: Sadistic conservative Christians take delight in Trump’s transgender troop ban and celebrate the president’s cruel bigotry


After an extensive investigation by church 'authorities', it has been determined that this poor unfortunate serpent bite victim failed to confirm Jesus' schedule at the time of the fatal nip. It turns out that unbeknownst to the victim, Jesus was on a smoke break at the time of the snake wrangling event, and had no earthly clue that the victim was foolishly kissing a rabid snake. Jesus later sent a message to the Pentecostal Church telling them, 'Call before you play'.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

No, Mr.Trump, We All Don't!

As I am want to do, I 'wanted' to write a 'Buddy'sSatirical Rambling' piece on this news posting ref Trumps 'Tweet'. I have written many pieces of 'satire' on this 'Presidential Pretender', but I am at a loss of words with this particular Trump-Tweet. There is no humorous 'satire' that would do justice to this man who obviously has some as yet un-diagnosed but serious mental issue with his brain. It seems that with each tweet-blert he tries to outdo the last one that we all hoped would have 'been' the 'last' one. But they just keep on coming as if his dumpster like brain has no bottom, and certainly no lack of idiotic scum in the bottom to pick from. When trump say's "..we worship God", he is actually referring to 'himself' here. He see's himself as a "God' that we should look up to with reverence because he, single handedly, is making "America great again", except that he is Not doing that at all. America was already a "great" Nation prior to his unfortunate arrival. He is simply in the process of deconstructing the America we had before he came. The damage he has done, and will continue to do to America, and the world in general will take decades, if ever, to repair. By then the Americans of that generation will have forgotton what America was like pre-Trump. Who knows what it will actually be like by then, but it won't be a pretty sight. Rest assured that the longer he is our President with his un-stoppable King-like powers, it will only become worse. Trump is about as 'religious' as a rock. He simply plays on the radical evangelicals because they can cast a vote. They are just a "number" to him. Just like he played on the Scout leaders, and the scouts parents, and even the scouts themselves because in a few years they'll be old enough to vote for him. Otherwise he wouldn't give them the time of day. Trump is in it for the "huge numbers". It's all about Trump, all else be damned. If trump had been required to sit for a full Psychological Exam prior to running for the Office, he would have failed, and we would not be in this mess now. It's a bit ironic that a Law Enforcement candidate, for instance, must take a P.E. before he/she can even be considered for the job. And yet, our potential Commander-In-Chief, Our President of the USA, the Keeper of the 'Doomsday Button', simply has to have enough money to 'buy' the position of President, and he can be crazy as a loon, still get the job, and no one even blinks, even though there were obvious 'signs' of mental issues beforehand. Until sane, and serious Americans of ALL political parties, including 'religious' faiths of all kinds, as well as those who do not subscribe to any 'religious' leanings, come together and Reject Trump, The Incompetent, on 'Mental Incompetency' grounds, we all will have to suffer his destructive presence in our midst forever. We must resist, and reject Trump. America can do better than this!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

'Fowl' Play!

 WTF!! I don't even eat chicken, but even if I did, this would be the very chicken that I would NOT eat. America has enough work to keep our food products consumer safe without letting China put their grubbies all over it. This is, next to Trump, the dumbest thing that has slithered out of the Trump Administration! Stupid, stupid, stupid, and if Any American puts this crap in their mouths, they surely deserve what comes out the other end. Did I mention Stupid?

How can this be cost effective? How many chickens will die on the trip?
“Chinese chicken” will soon have a whole new meaning, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently gave the green-light to four chicken processing plants…

A Pre-Exixting Condition

 'Now I 'know' some of you 'demon-crats', and 'heart-bleeders' are probably wondering, 'what in the world is Mo Brooks, the consummate Republican poster boy 'thinking', is he senile, does 'he' have a "pre-existing condition", is he crazy, is he at a loss for common sense, is he totally out of touch with the common man, is he 'off' his medication, has he absolutely lost his baffled brain?' But no, let me assure you that even if 'most' of that is 'true', I'm just as 'sane', and in touch with reality, as the next tunnel visioned Republican that's crazy enough to give a recorded interview with a "Fake News" media. But perhaps I should 'clarify' some of my quoted statements which may or may not have been taken out of context or not, perhaps. When I say, "people who lead good lives", does not mean that there are people who 'don't live good lives'. It simply means that most people simply 'live lives'. Most people who 'live lives' probably need health insurance. The people who 'don't' need insurance probably aren't living their lives at all. To be more 'clear' about this, let me say this about that. Good people do good things to live good lives, and so they don't use as much health care as people who do bad things and live bad lives. The bad doers use more insurance than good doers but because bad doers use more, and are unhealthy because they can't afford good health coverage, and so have lots and lots of "pre-existing conditions", and don't have money to pay for good care, the good doers who don't have "pre-existing conditions" wind up paying more to subsidize the bad doers who do, and never pay Anything. It's just that 'simple, and I hope that I have cleared this up by clarifying the opaqueness of my otherwise muddy statements that rolled off my un-tutored Republican tongue. Now, do I make myself absolutely 'clear'?'

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks claims “people who lead good lives” don’t have pre-existing conditions, and people without pre-existing conditions have "done things…

We Have Met The 'Enemy'

'What a crowd! Will ya look at that! Huge crowd, bigly numbers! No President has ever had such a turnout like this! I'd like to thank your schools for letting you out early today so that you could come and prostrate yourselves before me. What an 'honor' it must be for you. I didn't even know we had this many Boy Scouts in all of America! Big numbers! And all this, just for 'me'. I'm glad to see that you don't allow 'girls' to join your club! Imagine That! Whoa! Bad idea! I want to give a huge shout-out to all the parents who brought your children here especially to see me, and hear my words of 'encouragement', I know they all feel honored to be in my 'king like' presence, and will remember this moment for the rest of their lives. Before I forget, and move on to politics, I'd like to thank "the moms and dads" for upholding “the sacred values of our nation.” Boy, I wish 'I' could do that! Oh, and before I forget, be sure to convert to 'Republicanism' before the next election. Between you and my flaming evangelicals, I'll be a shoo-in for sure.
Have I mentioned that crooked Hillary yet? Yeah, I'm gonna fire that sorry traitor Jeff Sessions pretty soon. Disgusting! He should be investigating the Clintons instead of picking on me, your favorite, and esteemed President. I've done nothing wrong, unless cavorting with our enemies is all of a sudden a crime. And look how these deluded Demon-crats are picking on my children who are barely older than you, yourselves. Shameful! Innocent children. Remember, Scouts of America, the Demon-crats are our enemy, your enemy, America's enemy, your parents enemy! We must stop tem from destroying America, which by the way just happens to be My job. You can all help defeat our 'enemy' by joining and being faithful narrow minded members of my own favorite 'man-club', the 'NRA'. The NRA is simply a fun loving, gun toten, family oriented 'boys' club that's protecting America by ensuring that every boy in America can get his hands on a sexy gun. Make sure your parents join you up right away.
How about a great big 'Boo' for that disgusting Obama! What a mess he left for me to clean up! Did you know he was never a Boy Scout? Terrible!
Did I mention 'your' Other enemy, the "Fake News' media that's also trying to destroy your America? I just this morning saw on Fox news that the "Fake News" media is trying to shut down all of the Scout campgrounds! Are you gonna allow this!? And they want to take away your rights to build campfires! And you can say goodbye to those 'Merit Badges'! Horrible 'news'! My staff will be handing out torches and lynching ropes later.
Hey, how about Washington DC, your Capital! Did you know that since I took over it has turned into a "sewer" system? Used to be a "swamp", now it's a "sewer"! Disgusting place. Don't be alarmed though, I'm gonna get rid of the "sewer" rats, and install my Own 'monsters'.
Speaking of "Fake News", did you see where "The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad"? More disgusting "Fake News"! Remember boys, don't believe Anything you read anymore. It's all "Fake News" trying to destroy your 'club'. The media is your enemy! They hate me, your protector. And if they hate Me, they hate you, and your parents, and your club leaders, as well. Remember, I am the Only person you can believe in, and trust. Remember, Me, me, me!
Well, I gotta go now, it's hot out here, and I hope I have fanned the flames of 'trust' in me, and don't trust 'them' in your, up to this point, innocent heads.
Remember, run right out and convert to 'Republicanism'.
Thanks again to your school teachers for letting you out early today so that you could come and be humbled, and honored in my rightious presence. What a crowd! Millions! Hillary, see that!? Millions! Bigly number! Future voters! They love me! Just listen to that applause from those little hands! Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, will it never end? Is that a tear in my eye? Your praise is well directed. Go now spread my words far and wide.
Ok, Kellyann, get me outta here, these brats are smelly and their little sweaty hands smacking together is killing me! They can't even vote! They don't even golf! Disgusting! What? My mic was still on.???..what.?..what do you mean it was still On!? Damn demon-crats!'

Most presidents have spoken to the scouts about unity, or citizenship or coming together. Trump talked about the crowd size, "fake news" and Hillary Clinton.

Monday, July 24, 2017

When You "Like" Too Much

Holly Crap! Have the Swiss lost their silly minds? Apparently, they REALLY don't 'like' it when on FB, you might happen to 'like' something. Welcome to the year 2017 in the Country of the Swiss, still living in the country of the past.

The Zurich court said by "liking" defamatory Facebook posts, the man "endorsed" the content.|By BBC News

'Truth', What's That?

 'Ok, so maybe I'm stretching the 'truth' thing a little too thin here. How about if when my 'boss' decides to start telling the 'truth', then I'll start telling the 'truth'. But really, you Do realize that this is my boss's personal "sewer", right? Exactly what sort of 'truth' do you actually expect to get from a "sewer" master? So, let's move on now, enough of America's obsession with unrealistic expectations.'   (for the story Click on 'David Edwards' below)

ABC host calls out Sanders for lying just minutes after she promises to “absolutely” never lie (Video)
Screenshot via Rawstory/This Week/ABC

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Georgia 'Taliban'

'Dear atheist, apparently you have forgotten that you reside in the wonderful kingdom of Gods holy Georgia, a self ordained Christian State, within which is snuggly nestled the Evangelically anointed city of Grovetown, a city of God fearing holy rolling Baptists who will without hesitation smite your unholy, blasphemous, atheist arse right off the map ere you cross us. Remember, 'Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord', and so sayeth Me, Gods chosen Christian Imam of our little bump in the peanut road of Georgia.'


Mind Control effect what they've done is converted their 'atheists' into 'Religious Atheists' with 'Marxism' as their new 'God'. Boy, they sure have a snappy way of 'mind control'.


Chatt'em Up!

She should have chatted his butt off for that 1-3/4 hour ordeal totally in her own language! What a hoot!


The United States Has A 'Tree' Older Than That!

Damn!!! From Where does Trump keep dredging up these radicalized, evangelical 'Christian', brain dead, sorry excuses for 'human' beings!? These fools are like a plague of mind eating locusts, and if there really were a 'God', I'd have to opine that he is surely punishing us for some imagined slight somewhere in times past, and at last catching up with us. More likely though that our 'esteemed' President is just one "bigly" evangelical suck up because he knows that without the 'ignorant' 'Christians, and Republicans, he would be naught. And so he must continue to pull fools from their ranks, and we must continue to suffer their idiocy.


The 'Storm' Is Coming

And because Trump has absolutely no Morals, and absolutely no sense of Ethics that Normal humans possess, he most certainly Will eventually go the 'Pardon' route to save his own arse. The hotter the 'fire', the sooner he will smother it with Pardons. Trump is making the 'abnormal', normal. He knows that his base of tunnel versioned supporters will still be there to insulate his steaming butt after the 'fire' is out. This is what happens when people are brainwashed by a snake oil vendor, they become cult members of a fanatical guru whose only interest is promoting himself to absolute power, and plans to keep it that way. Our nation was founded by those who fled 'Kingdoms', Kings, Dictators, Fiefdoms, Persecutions by religious fanatics, and promised it would not happen in their new nation. And yet, here it is 2017, and we have a 'King' that is bringing 'Absolute Power' over his serfs, and his 'Kingdom', back in vogue. History does repeat itself after all. And if you think for even one second that this is a stretch of the imagination, then you have not been paying attention to this dangerous President, or you are simply one of his 'cult' members that cannot think for themselves.