Sunday, March 29, 2020

'What's that?? What's it called?

'What's that?? What's it called? Well, I've had my flaxen head stuck up my arse for quite some time now so I'm really no up on the latest 'news'. I have no idea what they're talking about here. "Germ"?, "Flu"? "Virus"? What the hell is it!? So, "many different names", I'm about as confused as I usually am about anything else. But I can say this about that; I read a lot, you know, with my very huge brain. And without even reading, I know more about this thing, just in the last few minutes now, than any doctor will ever know. I'm very smart. Smarter than most 3rd graders. I know a lot of stuff. I watch Limbaugh, and Fox news a lot. Very smart people. They never lie. Very truthful, just like myself. But you know what? I still don't know what the hell "to call it"!! Is that stupid, or is it just me?'


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