Thursday, March 26, 2020

The 'Letter', Read Around The World

  Trump, 'The Certifiably, Totally Incompetent', has now escaped the bounds of metal gravity in his ill conceived, and certainly idiotic quest to defeat reality by issuing what he fancies as, 'presidential' decrees. 'Out with you, you damn virus you, 'if', you exist at all!'
  The 'boy-king' seems to believe that by lying to his, hopefully ignorant subjects, deflating and minimizing bad news while hyperventilating his own already inflated, yet wounded ego, that he can supersede 'science', and the whole medical profession by virtue of a simpleton's 'letter' to, "America's Governors". Clap, clap, clap, clap!
  Here is an 'infant-king' who has always 'got his way' by bluster, boasts, threats, lies, and retaliation, an unsupervised child who is out of touch with his subjects lives in the real world, and certainly out of touch even with his own fantasy T.V. world of 'king for a day'.
  He happily boasts that he does not need advisors for practically anything imaginable, that he, and he alone, can solve any problems that could ever threaten America, his imagined 'kingdom'. He 'knows' more than all of his generals, has 'read' more about medical issues than any of the worlds physicians, and in short, knows everything there is to 'know' about anything there is to know. He 'is' the 'doctor' that will save America from itself. And it doesn't matter one bit to him if he has to destroy many to save a few in the process. Numbers, as in 'approval' ratings and 'votes' from that, matters more to our 'boy-king' than the very lives of those same voters. He simply cannot connect the dots, even there.
  There are those who ignorantly claim, out of the corner of their mouths, that trump is simply jesting, and really does not intend to "open America up" on Easter Sunday, a mere two weeks from now, as he claims. But make no mistake about it, if he 'say's' it, he fully intends to do it. His ego will not allow him to put his motor mouth into reverse. He must charge forward no matter that he may be on a crash course with destiny. Such is the 'mind set' of an immature child who refuses to listen to adults who know better. Unfortunately for America, even those 'adults' who know better are absolutely afraid to stand up and challenge this boy tyrant that has been loosed from Pandora's box.
  It is way past the time for the GOP and the Democrats together to take back their gonads, and set the 'brakes' on this 'presidential' runaway train before he destroys us all with his train wreck.
   This pathetic boy-king is not trying to 'save' America, he is simply trying to save himself, his cult-like base, and his wealthy donors while pandering to anyone foolish enough to believe another of his fanciful lies.

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