Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Bravo! Let's Go Fishing!

And if you are foolish enough to actually believe anything from the mouth of totalitarian China, then you probably also believe everything that slobbers out of the mouth of trump, 'The Truthsayer'.
China is a country whose 'captive' population has absolutely no voice about absolutely anything that may affect their lives. No freedom of the press, no freedom of speech, no freedom of expression, no freedom of religion, in short No freedom of anything at all. The only 'news' they hear is from their communist governments own 'news mills'. The only 'reality' they know is the one fed to them by their masters.
The only reason China admitted that they have a little 'virus' problem is because it became so large that it was impossible to hide it behind the 'news' blackout curtain that surrounds China in the first place. Otherwise, the world might have never heard of it. And now that this virus has caused such mayhem there, it is now in China's best interest to proclaim that they have conquered this pesky little bug in no time at all, and, they did it without assistance from the rest of the world. 'Bravo 'Exalted Leader'! Bravo! Great 'news'! No more virus! Emergency over! Let's go fishing! And stuff. But just to be on 'safe' side, we must expel all foreign journalists and other spreaders of 'fake news'. Also must make all who dare reject China's own 'reality', 'disappear' forever. This way, no one from 'outside world' never know truth of what really happens in great 'learned' land of oz. Bravo great Leader, Bravo!'
So, believe what you will, trust who you must, but if it sounds to good to be 'true', then it's probably just a hand full of fluffy bullshit.

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