Thursday, March 5, 2020

Who The Hell Is 'WHO'?

'Who the hell is 'WHO'? Just 'who' do they think they are!? 'Who's' on first here? Why does 'WHO' continue to contradict everything I lie about!?? Do they, 'who' ever they are, even know 'who' I am? Look people, as we all 'know' I have a very large and very smart brain. Remember that time, three years ago, when I scored a hundred on a 3rd grade test? Tough to beat that!
Look, I've been watching Fox News and listening to my very good friend Limbaugh, and by now, I consider myself to be an expert on viruses like this benign 'beer virus', or whatever, that has made maybe one or two Americans a little sick. What's the problem here?? It's no worse than the common cold already! No one dies from these things! I had a cold once and look at me now! See?
I demand that whoever this 'WHO' thing is, probably just a bunch of stupid Democrats trying to have me fired, that they stop it with the scare tactics!
I, as America's self appointed 'king' do hereby officially proclaim that this silly little virus has ran its course in America, and is no longer anything that anyone has to be concerned about. I can 'honestly say that my underling Assistant king pence has been down on his saintly little, scrawny knees day and night praying like there's no tomorrow for jesus to knock it off with these mostly harmless viruses that are making me look bad. I myself have even offered a pocket full of 'thoughts and prayers' while being comforted by my personal White House Spiritual Advisor'.
So, everyone should just go back to work, go party hearty, take a nice long cruise, go to the mall, have a hug fest, ignore these flame throwing Democrats, especially 'who' ever this 'WHO' outfit is, that are trying to make me, your esteemed and wildly popular, king look bad, there's nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. Zero. Zilch. Nada. There. I have spoken, and when I 'speak' in 'tongues' you will know that you have heard the 'truth' as you have never head it before. Really. Remember, I will only lie to you when I have to. 'Honest'.'

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