Thursday, March 5, 2020

Calling Earth, Calling Earth...

'Click...hello?, Galactic operator? Look, I'd like to make a lonnnnng distance call to Planet Earth please, reverse the charges, I'm short of pocket change right now. Could you connect me to NASA Headquarters right away please, its been a while since I was last there so they may have changed their phone number by now. Please keep trying, this is rather important. No, I don't want to leave a message, I want to actually communicate with a human, please. Keep trying.
Ring, ring,... ring...'Hello, you have reached the desk of Office Supplies, NASA, USA, if you wish to order copy paper, press 1, if you wish to order air freshner, press 2, if you wish to order toilet supplies, dial extention 53986629601, for all other requests or wishes, or to speak with the operator, press oooo three times. Your waiting time may be up to as long as it takes, you are number 324 in line, please be patient' or hang up and try your call again during off-peak hours'.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep....ah, operator?, helloooo??,...operator, it seems that my call has been, click..operator, are you there???

See More
NASA will spend 11 months upgrading the only piece of its Deep Space Network that can send commands to the probe, which has crossed into interstellar space.

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