Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Afghanistan, You Are On Your Own Now

This trump administration's Taliban 'deal' is simply admitting defeat at the hands of the Taliban, ISIS, and any other radical 'religious' terrorist group in the dust bowl of planet earth, not unlike America's political 'defeat' in Viet-Nam where but for 'politics' we could have won that nasty little 'police action'. Instead, then as now, America threw in the towel and headed for the exit, and our enemies crowed about how they 'defeated' the American War Machine.
Afghanistan, with its corrupt and fractured government entities will very likely meet the same fate as did South Viet-Nam when America lost the will to stay and fight, and be taken over by these terrorist groups. The Taliban has one goal only, and that is to control as much of the middle east as they possibly can, and Afghanistan is their dinner plate to feast upon.
The trump administration under trumps 'kingly' rule has been tricked and side railed by the smooth talking Taliban, and the corrupt Afghanistan government has given up the fight for their own country thinking that 'living' with their enemy might be better than dying while trying to defeat it.
Nothing good will come of this so called 'Peace Agreement', and the only 'winner' here is of course, the Taliban who know that they soon will have all of Afghanistan under their control, and will set their eyes on any other weak country, to conquer with a handshake, knowing full well that America will not come to their victims aid. trump will huff, and puff out his manly chest, and boast about his incredible 'negotiation' skills, something not yet seen anywhere, and brag about how wonderful and great a job he has done for both America and that pitiful Afghanistan, but it will simply be 'puffery' as usual.

It may take a little while before the truth comes out about all this, but it will be seen that another country has been abandoned by our government which is only on par with what the king trump administration does with any country it tires of. This should be a warning to other countries who actually believe that king trump will defend them from our common enemies. If it means there's a vote in it for him, there's no one, or no place in this world that he would pause even for a second to get rid of.  Afghanistan, "you're fired"! 

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Less than 72 hours after the signing of the US-Taliban agreement, questions about the Taliban's commitment to reduce violence in Afghanistan and disagreements about the terms of the release of thousands of prisoners are threatening to upend the long-anticipated deal.

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