Sunday, March 15, 2020

Just Another 'Presidential' Distraction

This, in now, a time of a national emergency, is just another instance of trump, 'The Distractor', creating yet another distraction hoping it will take some of the soul burning spotlight off of his total incompetency as the President, or in 'his' own simple childish mind, 'The King' of America.
Distraction, division, subversion, un-American, incompetent, out of touch with real world reality, a fool on a fools errand, is just 'some' of the definition of trump, 'The Self Anointed', 'The Chosen One', the 'Man-Child' who would be king.
So yes, by all means, king trump, pardon yet another despicable convicted felon, another traitor to America, another soon to be convict that only you, in your self centered, egotistical warped mind can identify with, someone who you surely see your self in, looking back at you. So 'Presidential'. Not.

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