Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With 'That'

'Yeah, the way my infantile mind see's it, this simple virus, not serious at all, hardly worth mentioning in passing actually, is not serious enough to warrant shutting down my kingdom. I mean, come on! "America wasn't built to be shut down because of coronavirus". I mean who does that!? The economy is going straight to hell, the stock market is floundering in deep water, people can't go to work, it's making 'me' look even more incompetent than I already am, I'm losing voters because of it, and for what? The 'Chinese' flu is no worse than the common flu! We didn't shut down because of that one did we? No. I mean, only old sick people, not people like 'us', get this virus and die from it. Is that so bad? Is it? Is it?? Do we want to shut down America just to save a few old people?
 It's better that many old, infirm, sickly, useless people should die of this flu, than to allow our economy to be destroyed. I mean, 'who' wouldn't agree with that? I get calls, hundreds, thousands a day, all the time, from old people volunteering to forego treatment if they get this flu. Willing to give up their own miserable, useless,lives to save their children! How about 'that'! Brave Americans! A big round of clap, clap, clap, for these selfless souls! great 'trumpers' for sure. They want the younger generation to survive by having their lives back, jobs, health and lots of money. You know just like my own children. Already, the Lt. Governor of Texas has volunteered to pass away in order to save our economy. What a great guy. Wonderful 'christian' family man, a brave grandfather. Gotta love his dedication! A real 'trumper'! Gonna miss him!
I'm sure a lot more of my other Republican 'friends' will step up to the sacrificial plate. I, myself, 'would' volunteer but I'm really busy right now trying to ruin, errr...ah, 'run', that is, my kingdom. Gonna make it, "great again"!
So, as the self appointed, fully anointed 'king' of my very own kingdom, I proclaim that the coronavirus as we know it will be eradicated by April 12, which coincidentally is Easter, a time of thanking god for delivering America from the darkness of this pandemic that 'he' himself sent us. What a great guy! And then, I'll open America back up as if nothing ever happened, and we'll just get on with life, clicking our heels, grow the economy really, really big, huge, big numbers, and I'll look like a hero to my cult following who in turn will thank me greatly by voting me back into office soon. What can possibly go wrong with that?' ;)

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