Saturday, March 21, 2020

'King For A Day'

America's self appointed 'King For A Day', has swung his limpid 'staff' and slayed the impertinent 'freedom of the press'. King trump knows no civil boundaries when it comes to attacking "nasty" seekers of the truth, and will stop at nothing in his paranoid attempt to turn his mindless 'base' against their fellow Americans. The terms 'Freedom of Speech', and 'Freedom of The Press', are not in his simple minded, childish vocabulary.
Here in an unprecedented time of a National health crisis, when Americans need 'Presidential' leadership, we are stuck with a simpleton, a 'boy-king', an unsupervised suckling of a 'world leader' who can think of nothing more important than to be exactly the opposite.
The definition of a self centered, egotistical, paranoid, out of touch tyrant, was certainly penned for trump, 'The Unruly King', who aspires to be the best 'Boy Dictator' he's ever personally known.
The destruction of the Press, the obliteration of the Freedom of Speech, and the public's right to 'know', appears to be at the top of his dictatorial shopping list. The 'truth' to trump, in his own scrambled mind, is simply a 'lie', and must be rejected and replaced with his own version of surreal reality, and he will let nothing, and no one, stand in his way of deconstructing the real world reality that seems to threaten his inflated ego.
This, our 'king', pretending, and failing miserably at being 'presidential' when what all America needs is a 'real' President to lead the way out of the darkness of this awful pandemic that threatens our very existence. And yet.....this is the 'best' that he can come up with.

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