Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump Says He's "Not Responsible"

'Nope. It wasn't 'me'. I know nothing, I see nothing, I hear nothing....that relates to reality as defined by a dictionary. In fact, 'that' word isn't even in 'my' dictionary. Did I mention that, "I didn't do it"? Geez guys, I can't take credit for 'everything'! I'm really busy. Important phone calls with important people. Really large meetings with little minded people. Thousands of 'favors' dished out daily. I'm very busy saving thousands, and thousands of lives every day. Don't worry, my 'wall' will stop this thing in Mexico. I'm not at all concerned. Not at all. Not even a little bit.
Even jesus can't save as many Americans as I can! I'm very important you know. Everyone loves me because I'm so 'truthful', you know, while everyone else lies like crazy. But that's just me. I would never tell a lie that's so easy to find the truth of otherwise.
Was Obama in town at that time? Ask him about it. Probably him, or some nasty woman like Hillary. I don't know. Maybe I'll ask around. I'm sure the 'truth' will come out. Later. After everyone forgets about it. Remember, no matter what 'other' lies you hear, I am the 'only' person you can depend on to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Just ask the people who know me best. Did I mention that I didn't do this?? Honest. Really. You can 'believe' me this time.'

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