Sunday, March 22, 2020

Nope, Not In Enlighteded N. Korea

'Yes, No, not even one 'reported' case of silly coronavirus in my enlightened country, or my name isn't Kim Jong Un, esteemed, and beloved by all, whom I allow to live, most powerful ruler of North Korea, and one day of whole world. Because of my wise control of all things, even disease and weather, my country has never even had a 'reported' case of common cold. My subjects die of either very, very, very, old age, starvation, or firing squad, whichever comes first. 'Freedom of choice' is good rule to live or die by.
Remember, 'truth' is a communicable disease which, 'sadly', in my country is same as death sentence, so I tell my serfs, 'don't go there'. I, myself, am living proof of having never caught this horrible 'truth' disease, so it is easy to believe that I, and I alone have prevented the coronavirus disease from even thinking about crossing my borders. North Korea like song, 'Hotel California', you can 'check in', but can 'never leave'. Well, 'alive' anyway.
Did I mention, just in passing, that alleged, esteemed 'leader' of insignificant U.S.A., you know, his 'make believe' majesty trump, sent wonderful 'kiss ass' letter congratulating honorable 'me', on my 'unbelievable' ability to keep virus from entering great tourist Mecca of North Korea. What a great suck-up! He 'said' that he wishes he could be more like me. Ha! Never happen G.I.! Hair doo never be boofed like exalted leader Kimmy's. Silly man!'

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