Monday, March 23, 2020

The 'Doctor-In-Chief', Is In

'Look folks, I never claimed to be a 'doctor', I'm just a very simple minded 'leader' of the free word who pretends to know everything about everything there is to know...and then some. I mean, come on, I didn't actually 'tell' people to take this stuff...why, that'd be something like an ignorant 'snake oil' salesman would stoop to, and I'm hardly that! Barely an intelligent king. But perhaps 'intelligent' is too strong a word in this case. But I do know more than any doctor that I know of.
Look, here's what I said, words that the "fake news" reporters have twisted, and taken out of context in order to make me look even more idiotic than I really am, followed by what I actually 'meant', after all, it's not 'my' fault that people are so utterly stupid as to believe my every 'presidential' utterance;
"It's shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results. And we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that's where the FDA has been so great. They -- they've gone through the approval process; it's been approved. And they did it -- they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we're going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states,". "Normally the FDA would take a long time to approve something like that, and it's -- it was approved very, very quickly and it's now approved, by prescription."
Now 'really', does that 'sound' like I told idiots to take this un-proven drug? Does it? Of course, in my own demented, jumbled mind, the answer is a resounding, No! although what 'harm' could it possibly do??
Now, I will attempt to be as opaquely 'clear', as I usually am, so that even a simpleton such as myself can understand my 'presidential' blathering's; Like I said, it's not my fault that people are so utterly stupid enough to believe my every 'presidential' utterance.
There! I'm confident that I have 'cleared' the air of this horrible stench caused by my occupying the office of the president. Isn't there some hapless reporter in this room that I can berate? Someone I can call "nasty" names? Something else I can do to take the heat off my flaxen head? Did I mention that I have actually cured the coronavirus, all by myself? Email or tweet me for more details of my proprietary ingredients of my heavenly 'cure' for all your ailments. Really. I'm whatcha might call, 'The Doctor-In-Chief', trust me, I would hardly ever lie to you. Honest.'

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