Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Scientists, Be Forewarned, king trump Has 'Spoken'!'

'Yeah, that's what I said! "A better flu shot! I'm thinking about making my own flu shot lab in the basement of my castle because as 'everyone' can plainly 'see', these stupid, incompetent, morons pretending to be scientists cant get the job done like I, your freshly benighted king, can surely do. Did I mention that I know more than they will ever know about stuff..., and things, you know, science stuff, things like that. I read a lot, between tweeting stupid crap 24/7, and I've 'learned' that I don't actually need scientists, or science, for that matter. They just make up a bunch of hoaxes and want us to believe anything they say. That actually sounds a lot like 'myself', but at least I know What I'm lying about. What's with them!?? I mean who does that?
Anyway, they better come up with a "better flu shot" pretty quick here, not that we actually 'need' one mind you, because this little flu thing does not look that serious to my well educated, very large brain. And I know what I'm talking about here. I'm pretty confident that by next week, or the end of March, or pretty 'soon', whenever, certainly not that year and a half that it usually takes them, I will have shamed them into submission, fired them or whatever, and we'll have a really good flu shot that totally eradicates all types of flu's and other diseases, including cancer, and maybe even pimples, for a few Americans, or at least those that can possibly afford it. Otherwise I will have to resort to using my own god given talents and make one in my special flu lab. Now 'that' will be a vote getter for sure! Scientists, be forewarned, king trump has 'spoken'!'

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