Sunday, March 8, 2020

What?? 'Me' Worry?

'What??? "me' "concerned"? Are you kidding me!? I can't even spell that word! My very large brain refuses to acknowledge reality as mentally stable people do. I'm what'cha might call 'untouchable', so no, not concerned at all. Actually, nothing concerns me, nothing at all. But look folks, that's just me, your esteemed king. There's no need to panic here, right? I mean, right?? Do not worry yourselves silly about your viral king becoming sick with this insignificant 'cold virus'. No one in my entire family has 'ever' had as much as a sniffle to speak of. So we wont. Don't ask me about my 'Grandfather'.
Here's the way I 'look' at it folks. No big deal. More people die from guns, and car wrecks, and stuff, and things, than have died from a 'cold'. My advice; stay away from people with loaded guns, and do not drive cars. Simple. Really. I never drive a car, and I wouldn't know a gun from a water hose, actually, not even that either. But that's just me.
As for this Democrat sponsored coronavirus that they hope will derail me, just how 'bad' is it? For instance; remember when after days and days of intense study, I determined that stuff like brain concussions are a very 'minor' headache? Let me explain as only I can; let's say you're a soldier in a mine 'resistant' truck, which I, myself invented by the way, and you run over some sort of little bomb that blows your truck to shreds, and your ejection seat throws you clear of the blast, and your head lightly touches the ground when your parachute lowers you down. I mean, is 'that' a concussion? Is it? A headache maybe, a minor one for sure. No "concern" here folks. Orrrr...lets say you're a football 'hero' and a 380 pound opponent crashes into your head, crushing your 'safety' helmet against your skull, and it 'rings your bell' a little. Is that serious? Not at all, just a little "headache" that goes away in hardly any time at all. That 'safety' helmet, which I'm told, I designed when I was in 3rd grade protected your very small brain from harm. No "concern" folks. Nada.
And so it is with this little 'cold' virus. My Assistant king, Pence, 'The Proselytizer', has been appointed by me to build a virtual 'wall' around America which will stop this thing in its tracks! He's busy right now, stuffed away in his foil lined closet with my White House Spiritual Advisor, 'laying hands' no doubt, praying like hell for jesus to keep my 'religious based' nation safe from all harm....from whatever, you know, bad stuff, and things like that.
So no, I'm not concerned at all. I just go to work, do my thing, tweet the hell out of cyberspace, cause distractions, divisions, and assorted mental mayhem, just regular stuff that my very large brain dictates. What, 'me' worry?? Of course not. But that's just me. No "concerns". No emergency here. No problems, so go about your business as if you never even heard of a 'cold' virus. I have this thing under 'control' Believe me, would I lie to you?'

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President Donald Trump told reporters he was "not concerned at all" about being exposed to coronavirus after an attendee at CPAC, an event Trump attended, tested positive for the virus.

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