Thursday, March 26, 2020

In Times Like This

Unfortunately, it's times like this Coronavirus pandemic that can erase the 'Human' factor in 'Humanity'. Just try to imagine what it would be like if this were the Black Plague, instead of the coronavirus which pales in comparison, even as bad as it is. It may well be that the term 'Civilization', in relation to mankind, was a bit too quickly cast. Humans seem to be 'civilized' mostly when the moment in time fits in with their own particular agendas. We 'humans' do not always act 'humanly', and there should be little surprise when we don't. We are not so far removed from our Neanderthal brethren. We still have a little nugget of our Neanderthal ancestors genes tucked away in the dark recesses of our 'human', Homo sapien brains, that can lead us to 'fight or flight', and for most people if there's an 'exit sign' in a time of crisis there will be a stampede towards it, and every man, woman, and child, the sick, the elderly, and the ethnic will be left in the dust to fend for themselves. It can be coined, 'only the strong survive', but being 'strong' of body does not always equate to 'strong of morals'. What's needed in these dire times is a combination of 'both' with the will to 'stay' even when the 'exit sign' is blaring 'GET OUT, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!', and help even the weak and helpless to survive to see another day. America's hospitals, military, and public services agencies are filled with those who refuse to run away from danger! These, are the 'Humans' in 'humanity', these are the people who have evolved past that Neanderthal urge to stay or go when danger lurks, and instead of fleeing, they step forward and face the danger and fight it to whatever end may come. They may pay the ultimate price for it, but they stayed and fought. This, then is 'humanity' at its best, and what it means to be 'civilized'. We are no longer 'cavemen', and we should resist that genetic urge to act that way. ;)

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