Friday, March 20, 2020

DeSantis Is Very Surprised

'Holy Pope crappers! They've been doing what!??? Thousands and thousands of them?? Where'd these people come from??? I've 'never' seen anything like this! Let 'me' be the 'first' to be totally flabbergasted at this revelation! Talk about being blindsided! This was like being run over from behind by a runaway politician! This is worse than those damn 'love bugs' smacking into your windshield on the turnpike! Are you sure those pictures are from 'our' beaches?
Actually, I don...'t get out much, so I'm not really 'in touch' with what goes on in Florida, especially while my head is safely tucked up in my ignorant arse. 'Really' though, I didn't realize Florida had beaches like that. Wow! No wonder all those hot bodies come here. Why didn't someone tell me about this before now?? I simply had no clue. No idea. No brains. No common sense. No nothing. I mean, just look at my expression of surprise. My tongue just doesn't know what to do! It's flapping around in there like a windmill in a hurricane! Speechless I tell you, utterly speechless!
But, now that some sleezy, voyeuristic reporter has somehow, and without official permission, sneaked into Florida and stupidly took photo's of these 'healthy', young underage children playing in the sand, and 'harmlessly' enjoying themselves, 'hurting' no one, bothering no one, causing absolutely 'no' current or 'future' problems on our beaches while spending their parents hard earned money, while a worldwide Pandemic is gutting our beautiful state and our nation and its economy, I feel I must 'act' like a good governor....and, ahhhh…, well..., 'act'.
To that extent, I'm reluctantly, and I might add, very, very, late in the game, forced to declare that, "The party's over". The beaches are officially closed now, so all you children run along home, and hopefully not infect your parents, grandparents and neighbors with whatever silly 'flu bug' you probably contracted while I had my head up my arse otherwise. Shooo! Go home now so that I can climb back into my arse, all this fresh air makes my head hurt.'  


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