Tuesday, March 24, 2020

'Volunteers' Needed In Texas

   What a total mental train wreck! It's obvious that this wacko Republican 'trumpeteer' is void of "grandparents" himself, and fancies himself as some sort of pre-martyr sent here by his god in order to sacrifice himself to save humanity from a virus invented 'by' his 'benevolent' god in the first place. "Thoughts and prayers" don't work, so putting our elderly in 'death houses' is his 'best' answer to fighting the coronavirus.
I think this radicalized, evangelical 'Christian' moron should put up or shut up.
By all means 'learned', Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, please feel free to be the shining example of your horrible suggestion, and contract this terrible virus and show us the wisdom of your passing. No doubt your children, and grandchildren will totally understand your stupidity. Why bother using science and common sense, when you can just give up, and 'check out'. It's true Danny boy, you have proven that there's absolutely no cure for stupidity.

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