Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A 'New York Minute'

'Dear 'almost lover', Trump, 'The Negotiator'.
It was with miniscule pleasure to have met, and 'negotiated' nothing with you. By the way, why are your hands so small? They felt like little girl hands in my robust, manly, dictatorial hands. Perhaps eat more fish and rice? As you can see, that diet has not hurt my massive girth at all. But enough about me. Let me talk about you for a moment, which is about all the time I can afford to allot you. If you were a more important dignitary I would give you at least a 'New York Minute'. Haha! American joke!
Did you really think, and of course you did, that you could trick me into playing your bully game of up-manship? Did you think I cannot 'see' you through my corpulent eye lids? I knew in the first second of meeting you that I would own you. You actually believed that I would destroy my Nukes just because you demanded I do so, didn't you? Crazy orange American! As you can see, I'm busy building even bigger, and better American killing missles, and no, you cannot stop me. Should have thought of that plan a long tiome ago. Soon, it will be I who turns world bully, and the whole world will be mine while you are so busy destroying America on your own. You are the 2nd best thing that ever happend to North Korea, I being the 1st.', and the very worst thing that ever happened to America.'

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About this article
North Korea is reportedly constructing new intercontinental ballistic missiles, despite reassurances from President Trump that the rogue nation is “no longer a nuclear threat.”

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