Monday, July 30, 2018

Giuliani's 'Otherworld' of Denial

FYI, Giuliani, here's Webster's definition of 'Collusion'; 'Secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose * acting in 'collusion' with the enemy'. Now my 'learned' friend, exactly which part of that definition do you not understand? You can try to use "Alternative Reality" to make it sound as if there's no substance to that definition, but it is what it is, and try as you may you cannot make it something it's not. But you are a good lemming, and no doubt you will follow your 'master' right over any cliff he chooses for you. Good luck in your 'otherworld' of denial.

About this article
President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said Monday that he's not sure collusion with Russia would be considered a crime.

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