Friday, July 20, 2018

The New EPA

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) which historically has been tasked with actually PROTECTING America's environment, has now under the Incompetent Trump Administration, been rebranded as the ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AGENCY.
As long as that, for all practical purposes, agency, is ruled by Trump, 'The Incompetent', it will continue to insure that all past common sense environmental rules will be destroyed. Our America is steadily being 'dumbed down' by a President that shows no regard for the safety, and well being of American's, unless of course you happen to be one of his 'big business' pals. Do not expect the new EPA to even pretend to do the job that was originally mandated for it to perform. Welcome to Trumps "make America great again", where that 'promise', is just not going to happen under his watch.
This is what happens when our 'King' the man-child, sans supervision, wreaks mayhem upon our nation, and no one even blinks.

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About this article
Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Inspector General says "oversight lapses" occurred at the federal, state and local levels

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