Sunday, July 15, 2018

'Environmental Protection', Not.

These radicalized evangelical, Anti Science, destroy America in the name of god, fundamentalists, will stop at nothing in their quest to destroy all things based on science and common sense.
Has everyone lost their friggin' minds!? What has happened to our Nations historic system of 'checks and balances' where wiser minds would have prevented this from getting past the 'idea' stage in the first place? It appears that Trump, 'The Incompetent', has destroyed even that. How have we as Americans allowed this one, singular despot, to shred the very moral fabric of our Nation, even as he proudly proclaims that he is "making America great again"? It's almost as if he has mesmerized America into believing that no matter what obvious lies he blurts, as long as He believes his traitorous words, then we simply follow suit because by now we expect to hear lies which surely must be 'true', simply because He has said so.
When he was campaigning, I warned that this man-child was a snake oil salesman of the most sly, and dangerous kind. But it is so much worse than that. He has sold our country to corporate America, to enemy nations, and in turn they will supply him with money and votes. Our invironment will be auctioned off, our public lands will become private lands where nothing will ever be sacred again. Trump has, and will continue, to deconstruct America and our Constitution to the absolute point of no return, and beyond repair in our lifetimes. How could even a blind man not have seen this coming!
Basically, Trump has managed to actually 'pollute' our very own Environmental Protection Agency, which now can't even 'protect' itself From itself, let alone 'protect' the rest of America. Not only He, but all who choose to blindly follow, aide, and abette Trumps egotistical foray of destruction of America, will share the guilt, in the end. No bad deed goes un punished.
And as Trump, 'The Incompetent', once said while campaigning, "You ain't seen nothing yet". It was the First, and Last, absolutely 'true' words that he has ever spoken.

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Burying the formaldehyde study is part of an effort by Pruitt and aides to…

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