Friday, July 6, 2018

Scott, 'The Useless'

Scott 'The Useless' Pruitt, has finally seen the light at the end of the DC tunnel, and thank goodness that light was an oncoming 'train'. He was personally hired by his ex-boss, Trump, 'The Incompetent', to single handedly mass pollute the EPA, and edge America closer to again becoming the most environmentally polluted Nation in the industrialized world. Pruitt, 'The Useless', is proof positive that the rotten apple is most often actually 'born' that way, and does not fall far from his boss' swamp.
While America can take a deep breath of thanks that this thief of public funds, and destructor of our environment, is finally off the federal payroll, he will simply be replaced with another Trump-Clone who will quickly, and quietly, slip under Trumps sheets where they will hotly massage one another's 'egos'. Nothing will change but the name of the new EPA Chief, all else will remain the same, yet continue to become worse as our Nation slips back to the pre-EPA days of polluted yore where our rivers were so polluted by industrial, and agricultural waste that they became dead zones, where our now pristine horizons were then black with the smog of 'progress', where forests were 'clear cut' with no thoughts of the future.
Pruitt may be gone but Trump is still here. It's simply a 'wash', and a 'win-still loose', for America. We have narrow minded, tunnel versioned, Republicans and whomever else may have voted for Trump, 'The Incompetent', to thank for setting this man-child loose on our nation as he destroys it from the inside out.

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Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has resigned…

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