Friday, July 27, 2018

"Shocked", Flabbergasted!

"I am shocked"! Flabbergasted! Astonished! Dumfounded! Disconcerted! Rattled! Stunned! You name it, and I'm it. Did I mention that I'm sweating like the walls of a cheap steam bath? My gonads are swimming in my skivvies! Why is this traitor, whom I formerly regarded as a blood brother, doing this to me? Me, who has never even thought an unkind thought about this now traitor. This guy vowed to 'take a bullet' for me, and now he has fired that bullet across my bow, and I of course in return must do all in my godly power to sink his leaky canoe before he utters even more 'untruths' about me. "Pardon"? We'll see. I mean, what did I ever do to him to cause such revenge upon my king-like person? Disgusting traitor! "Sad, so sad".
So, before this 'obvious' lie grows legs, just let me clear this up to the complete 'satisfaction' of the "fake news" press, and my ever faithful base, who by the way would never believe such lies in the first place, but just in case; "I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr. Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?). He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary’s lawyer. Gee, I wonder if they helped him make the choice!" So there! There should be no more questions about this "fake news" story which has obviously been generated by Hillary's camp of liars, and adopted by my ex-BFF, aka, 'the traitor'. Hey Cohen, show me the tape, pal! What a weasel! Who does that!?
I have always been more than opaque about this non-matter, and I have consistantly, just as I am consistant in denying all 'baseless' charges against me, whores included, denied knowledge of any matters concerning my relationship, personal or business related, with my FWB-BFF Vlad 'The Nation Builder' Putin. Until Helsinki I had never even heard of him. Never been to Russia. I couldn't even find it on a map if I had to. So, I want to be less than clear about this, and let there be more than doubt, I am in extreme denial. I am not lying about this any more than usual. "I am shocked"! Just "shocked". Really.'
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President Donald Trump on Friday denied his former personal attorney…

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