Thursday, July 19, 2018

Did I say "No"?

'I said "No"! What part of a two letter word don't you understand? "No", means 'no'. N.O. Get it? Stop it with the "fake news" already. When I say "no", then that's exactly what I mean at the time...more or less, so to speak, sorta. Why does everyone ("fake news media") always print what I say?? And then when they do, they take it all out of context. Disgusting reporters always try to put 'words' in my mouth, trying to make me look incompetent. That's My job! I'm better at it than they are! Stop it already!
Just like this silly "no" thing. Here, let me make this perfectly, if not opaquely, clear. When that "fake news" reporter asked me that stupid, trick question, I clearly, at the end of my answer, said the word "no". And that's my answer; "No". Which in this case meant, "no" more questions please. Get it now? "No", means no more questions. How much more clear must I make this? Why can't they just ask me yes or no questions?? I'm only half as incompetent as they try to make me seem. I'm pretty smart! Remember that 3rd grade brain test I took? That means I'm smarter than your average 3rd grader. I may be a terrible President, and I have surely reached my level of stupidity, and I'm obviously way out of my element, but at least I'm a smart one. The Electoral College can't be all wrong...right, "no"?'

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Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said the opposite as recently as last week.

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