Tuesday, July 3, 2018


OMG!!  "Civil war"??? You don't mean 'that' kind of "war"? Like, the kind where the bible thumping 'south' raises an illiterate 'army' of radicalized Evangelical 'Christians' who scour the land looking for and burning at the cross un-believers, stoning women and children, torching libraries and science museums, eradicating common sense, and then after they have been soundly defeated, building huge monuments glorifying their lost cause? That sort of "war"? OMG! Say it ain't so!! And here I don't have any BB's for my air rifle! Darn it all, should have seen this coming! Doggone rascally conservative 'Christians' anyway! Always looking for ways to "make America great again". Hmmm...'WWJD'?


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