Monday, July 23, 2018

"Hoax", It's All One Big "Hoax"

'Hoaxy-poaxy, it's all a big fat lie! It's a "hoax" I tell you, a "hoax"!
But wait, let me clarify my statement, and the word "hoax". First, my statement was obviously taken out of context by the "fake news" medias which as we all know by now, according to your's truely, are just liars extraordinaire! Why do they do that? Don't I make myself look bad enough without their "fake news" help? I mean really! Remember, the "news media is America's enemy". Let's all keep that in mind. We have met the enemy, and they are the news reporters. So, as you can (not to be confused with the word 'can't') see, my statement is not what it first appeared to be. I'm glad I could 'clear' that up satisfactorly. There should be "no" more questions about that. I said "no" more.
Now as for the word "hoax", that is a word that can mean a lot of things, depending on how I use it. When I used it in my statement, I simply meant that everywhere one looks, a "hoax" can be found somewhere. Any place. Some folks have even labeled Me as a certified, card carrying, "hoax". How crazy is that!? Really?? I mean, do I look like a "hoax"? How can I possibly look like a "hoax" when I'm the, President of America? Everyone loves me here in my kingdom. Everyone! I'm loved everywhere, especially in my adopted country of Russia. But we know that it is not true that I'm a mindless "hoax", I actually have a great mind, this is simply another "fake news" "hoax". See how it works. No one should pay any attention at all to the words I mutter. Pay attention to what I do, or at least to what my underlings do at my directions. Right now we are busy eradicating all things Obama, and Hillary. I mean everything and every one who has ever been even midly associated with that illegal border jumper, and that vote buying liar. Did you know that six million illegal immigrants, including Obama,voted for her, and she still lost. By the way have I ever mentioned that I won by seven million votes. Great numbers! Unbelievable numbers! More that Lincoln had! By the time I am finished, Obama's name will be erased from every book, every written notice of him. No one will even remember that he ever existed. He is the one that will be remembered as a "hoax". I will be remembered as the greatest President that America has ever had to suffer, and hardly as a "hoax". Just ask any Republican. Really. I'm not just 'hoaxing' around here!'

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About this article
On Sunday, President Donald Trump tweeted this: "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn't he do something about it? Why didn't he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that's why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

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