Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The 'King' has Spoken

The 'King' has Spoken

"Would", wouldn't, couldn't, hey, it's just a 'word' for cryin' out loud! Who even pays attention to anything I say? Picky, picky "fake news"! Of course I 'knew' what I allegedly 'meant' to probably say, as opposed to what I actually meant to say, which is exactly what I said, I said. But here, let me be perfectly 'clear' about what I was heard to have said, which obviously has been taken way out of context by "Fake news" from what I 'said', and what I may have, in retrospect, meant to say. While I may or may not, depending on the "Fake news" organization you listen to, you know, like anything besides my BFF Fox News and friends, said the word "Would", according to my handlers I should have used the word 'wouldn't', which would make my treasonous comment, a totally 'vote for America' comment instead of 'vote for my BFF-FWB Putin'. But hey, what are words anyway? Just a bunch of letters arraigned in some order to convey a message from mouth to ear, right? Right? "Would", wouldn't, wood, woody, you know, like I get when I think about my best pal Vlad, those are all just a bunch of meaningless words full of silly letters that really, at least to me, and my FWB Vlad, mean nothing at all. Or like my pal Vlad say's, 'Amerikantsy nastol'ko glupy'. Funny guy! Like, I can say a bunch of words yesterday, and now today, those words mean nothing to anyone. Senseless. Crazy even. Just a bunch of anti-America words. get over it already. I'm practically 'American' as anyone else. Stop dwelling on the 'past'. Yesterday is over, gone, сделано с, ka-put! See how it works? Why does anyone even care? Obviously I don't! And besides there's no 'collision', err, "collusion" here. I won the election by a landslide. Really! I did, I tell you! Ya gotta believe me! Hillary paid ten million illegals to vote for her and she still lost! I hardly 'bought' anyone! Well, except maybe for the Electoral College vote. But that's just politics. Has nothing to do with what I'm accused of allegedly saying yesterday. That's what makes me the winner! I'm America's new King, err, I mean Dictator in waiting errr, I mean, Ruler, no, no, what's the word I'm looking for here? See how words don't really mean anything. Hey, we all 'know' what I really am.
So there, I'm pretty 'sure' that this clears up any misconceived, misunderstandings about what I may or may not have allegedly meant to say, when I actually said what I meant to say. Really. I'm not lying this time. Serious.'

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About this article
Before a meeting with GOP lawmakers Tuesday, the president told reporters he misspoke in Helsinki: When he said he saw no reason why it "would" be Russia that interfered, he meant to say "wouldn't."

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