Sunday, July 1, 2018

WTH is going on??

WTH is going on?? I'm as much of a Democrat as I can possible be, but this dumb assed idea by certain democrats to abolish 'ICE' is as stupid as it can get. Now you are simply playing by Trump, 'The Incompetent's', theory of destroying the federal agency's that he knows nothing about, and then everything will be 'alright'. If the democratic party is going to follow Trump's suit with this then why stop there? Why not abolish our Border Patrol, our Coast Guard, our Customs Service? Why bother with Border checkpoints, why worry about drugs, human trafficking, and yes, 'Illegal Immigrants' that will no doubt flood our country afterwards. Lets just go ahead and have those snappy 'Open Borders' where we'll have no clue as to who or what is coming into our country. Or...perhaps we find out what may not be working so well, and instead of throwing it away, find a fix for it, how tough is that!? We can have reasonable immigration policy while at the same time keeping our Nation secure.

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About this article
Activists are calling the agency a fascist organization, but the establishment insists that President Trump is the real problem and ICE can be reformed.

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