Thursday, August 2, 2018

What Kind Of 'Press' Was That?

'Well Jim, if you are referring to something like, say, ah, for instance, an Olive Oil 'press', then of course not, how could that possibly be an "enemy of the people"? Everyone loves Olive Oil because it's quite tasty. I myself use it on my White House salads. I have no animosity towards it at all, nor does the President. Or, if you are talking about a Cider 'press', then again, the answer would be a clear resounding no, who doesn't love ice cold Cider? Jim, it appears that you have totally forgotten just what these White House briefings are for. So let me remind you, and anyone else with half a brain, if you are going to ask questions of me about what the President likes or dislikes, then you should be more clear in your questions, and please refer to the list of the Presidentially approved questions, so that I can be even more opaque in my answers. I mean, like, if I don't understand what you're talking about how can I possibly give you an answer that you will not understand in turn. As you well know, 'ambiguity' is my middle name, ask me again, and I'll tell you the same. Jim, you are excused, don't let the door hit your disgusting CNN butt on the way out.'

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About this article
CNN's Jim Acosta pleaded with the White House press secretary to speak out against the term President Donald Trump has been using. She wouldn't.

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