Thursday, July 19, 2018

We Have Met The "Enemy Of The People"

We have met "The enemy of the people", and it is Trump, 'The Incompetent', himself.
Trump has wishfully elevated himself to the same level as his FWB, Vlad, 'The Nation Builder', while distancing himself from America in favor of a despot Russian dictator that has trump wound around his middle finger like a fair haired finger puppet.
The only way that trump can ever "make America great again" is to abdicate the 'throne', turn in his red necktie, call a cab, and get the hell outta town. Only then can America begin the healing process from the horrible damage inflicted upon it by this out of control, brain addled, 'man-child'. Of course that's just wishful thinking because Trump is not finished destroying our country, and our democracy. He rules by chaos, division, subterfuge, lies, and idiocy. He thrives on discord, and misery, the more the better for him.
If our Constitution has any weakness at all, it would be where it allows our President to have too much uncontrolled, power. No other Present in our history has taken such disgusting advantage of our Constitution for his own personal aggrandizement. Our founding fathers railed against having a 'king' on the throne ruling our nation. That has worked until now, until Trump, 'The King In Waiting' arrived on the scene to "make America great again", in his own image.
If American's continue to be 'asleep at the wheel' while Trump continues to direct our countries path of destruction, we will have no one to blame but ourselves when we crash and burn.

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President Donald Trump said Thursday he is "looking forward" to meeting…

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