Friday, July 27, 2018

'Sleepover' Cancelled

'See!?? See what happens when there's an active "witch hunt" "hoax" going on in Washington!? Who in their right mind would want to wittness this sort of crazy stunt? Geez! Only in America. Disgusting Democrats!! I know Hillary, and that illegal immigrant Obama, are behind this. There's gonna be a serious investigation by the Supreme Court over this. Maybe next week. Soon. I bet they'd never get away with this in my adopted country, Russia! Now, my FWB-BFF, has cancelled our sleepover at my White House castle! He's just too embarrassed for me to come here and see how I'm treated in my very own kingdom. There's just not enough controls to prevent this sort of attack against me, the most popular President since George Washington. Actually, my 'numbers' were even larger than his were. Just shows how great I am compared to someone like him. I have some new 'laws' in mind that will protect me even more than America's Constitution does. "We'll see".
But this isn't about me, me, me, is it? It's about this illegal investigation by these disgusting Democrats trying to frame me for something I may, or may not have done. Hey, show me the video tape of me doing Anything illegal. Right, there are none, that I know of at the moment, anyway. Case closed. Well, I'll get outta this mess pretty soon anyway, because I'm gonna get rid of that useless traitor Rod Rosenstein. He vowed fidelity to my crown, and now look what he's doing out there with that horrible Mueller! Traitors both! What a joke! As soon as he's gone I'll put one of my own pals in his place, and then, no more "witch hunt"! Over and done with. Done. Outta there! Fini! Mueller, start looking for a job flipping burgers, you'll never work a real job again, I'll make sure of it!
Then, my FWB can come to my castle for a sleepover, just the two of us, no wittnesses, where we'll share all our secrets with one another while we snuggle in my great big 'Presidential' bed. Vlad promised to tell me his secrets after I tell him mine. Oooo, and I have a lot of them! What a great guy! Very 'trustworthy' as we all 'know'. He's just like me! In more ways than can be counted. We have what you might call, 'twin minds'. Of course mine is much smarter than his. But that's just me, me, me.'

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About this article
The US president had originally invited the Russian leader to come to Washington, DC, this fall.

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