Thursday, June 15, 2017

'Disturbingly Numb'

As I Have said before, "We shoot, we cry, we re-load, and shoot again". Americans are becoming disturbingly numb to 'deaths by Firearm'. A little 'initial' shock, a little tear in the corner of an eye, a fit of 'concerned' bluster, the sun goes down, and then comes up on a new day, and life for the living goes on as usual. 'Leadership' begins at the 'top', what occurrs there, occurrs at the bo...ttom. As long as the 'leadership' at the top is in 'bed' with those intities which have a $$vested$$ interest in the unbridled proliferation of Firearms, and as long as they 'vote' as dictated by those entities, 'death by Firearm' will continue to be 'business as usual' in America. We shoot, we cry, we re-load, and shoot again.

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