Thursday, June 1, 2017

'Ethics', Is More Than A Six Letter Word

'Ethics;...a discipline dealing with good and evil and moral duty; moral principles or practice.' (Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)

 President Trump has consistently shown his disdain and revulsion for 'ethics' in all things Presidential, politics, and business, particularly pertaining to the White House. He proudly proclaims that 'conflict of interest' does not pertain to he, himself as President. He flouts long recognized rules of government, rules of law, and boldly proclaims that our Constitution is "broken", and he operates as if he, himself, does not need to adhere to that document upon which our Country is built. He openly shows, by words, and actions praise for disgusting dictators from around the world. He has hired, as members of his administration, the very 'monsters' that he so clevererly "drained" from the Washington "swamp". He has managed, under the direction of his puppeteer Bannon, to disrupt, and dismantle, and de-construct not only the America that he was 'elected' to protect, falsley claiming that he would "make America great again", but has now managed to turn the whole civilized world over on it's head creating the same or worse turmoul abroad, as here at home. He has destroyed America's credibility abroad, turned our former 'friends' against us, and stupidly 'burnt the bridges' that once connected America to our allies. He is bent, and hellbound on destroying our environment, and the long standing governmental agencies that in the past have protected Americans, and our land from destruction by 'big business'. Instead of 'acting' like the President that he was 'elected' to be, he acts as if he is the CEO of his own private country to do with as he pleases without worry of the detrimental effects he is having on it.
So, it is no surprise that he now extends to his hand-picked minions, a safety net of exemptions of the 'ethics' law that other government officials must abide by. What's 'good for the goose', must surely be 'good for the gander'. It will also be no surprise when his minions jump head over heels to be the first to now 'legally' cross the 'ethics' line into the dark world of 'conflict of interest' that Trump and family so brazingly tramples. Trump and Bannons promise to "de-construct" America is a 'promise made', and a promise done. And all who stood by, Republicans, Democrats, and all in-between, that allowed this inept, brain-adled, so-called 'businessman', and his puppeteer Bannon, destroy our country, will share the ugly shame for decades to come. :/ :/ :/ !

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A former oil and gas lobbyist will soon be a top energy and environmental adviser to President Trump.

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