Wednesday, June 21, 2017

This 'Human Condition'

As bad as this was, and as in the 'distant' past as it seems, I guarantee you that there is still a like 'mindset' still simmering in the minds of many white 'Americans' who if they could get away with it, as those depicted in this video clip did, would be more than happy to replicate those hateful actions on that beach. They were able to do this and get away with it because it was the 'norm' back then. A time when 'abnormal', was 'normal'. There were no enforceable 'laws' to hold them in check, unlike now. But 'laws' cannot hold 'in check' a mentality of racism, and hatred of things and people they refuse to, or simply cannot, understand and equate with. We fear most, the things we don't understand. And most often we refuse to 'understand' because we have been 'trained' all our lives to 'fear' it. It is a 'human condition' to fear, distrust, and often loath people and things that are diametrically opposed to ourselves. 'Segregation' only made that 'fear' worse. Here it is 2017, and the 'fear' and mistrust is still alive and kicking. If it's not 'fear' of Black Americans, it's of Americas 'Native Peoples,' or 'Orientals', or 'Middle Easterners', or 'Latinos'. The early 'Scottish', the 'Italians', the 'Irish', the 'Chinese' the 'Poles', you name it and they all took a 'beating' from racist 'Americans' who 'feared' them for whatever reasons. And yet with-in all these groups that have been, and are 'discriminated' against, 'they' too all practice their 'own' form of 'racism', and 'discrimination' of 'other' peoples that they themselves 'fear', and misunderstand. 'Racism', and the practice of 'discrimination' is not 'white Americas' burden alone to carry. Anyone who professes to the contrary is either a bold liar, or an ignorant fool drowning in wishful thinking. This 'human Condition' has been on fire since time immortal, and it will still be a burning issue hundreds of year on in the future. As bad as it seems to be 'now' it 'is' better 'now' than in the past. Humans cannot ever dare give up on working at getting along with, and understanding those who may be 'different' from each other. There is no perfect solution to this issue but there can, and should be common ground of peaceful coexistence where we work towards the common good of all races. The alternative can be seen in the World Wars of the past, and the 'wars' of 'religious' factions happening right now in the Middle Eastern countries. :/
"We were in the water maybe five minutes before this huge crowd started approaching us from the north and south. … A white kid came up to me, about my age. I had seen him around town. He must have had on brass knuckles; punched me in the face. He split my upper lip wide open."
Purcell Conway took part in efforts to integrate St. Augustine Beach in Florida. Watch his full, vivid account:

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