Thursday, June 1, 2017

Pastor Gomez, 'Say's'..

'Yep, they'd still be pickin' chicken "bones" from their noses if it hadn't been for all those Slave traders that were foreward thinking enough to snatch them out of that horrible life they were subjected to in their own god awful home lands. You see, once they were brought to America and given 'good' homes, and living conditions, good jobs, clothing, comfortable homes where they could raise their families in peace and safety, they were able to discard all those vestiges of  heathonism they had been forced to live in. "Slavery" actually 'saved' their lives, and set them 'free' from their mental bondage. It was "beneficial and Biblical", and they were really 'happy'. They repented their savage ways, and found Jesus! They were never again hungry, never had to worry about a 'job' for tomorrow. They were just happy go lucky folks with a 'vested' interest in the 'farm' they had been 'assigned' to work at. They would always be joking around, laughing, hahaha, carefree, always looking foreward to the next 'payday', never a worry about what the 'future' of the next 300 years of Slavery would bring. And then of course, those sorry Yankees came storming down from the North, putting an end to their carefree, Slavery lives! But at least those poor creatures had a 'chance' at a 'better' life than running around with "a bone in their nose".' :/ :/

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Prominent Baptist Pastor Keith Gomez argues slavery was a good thing because it helped Africans escape Africa and come to America.

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