Thursday, June 29, 2017

Who Will Cast The First Stone?

 'Yes' Stevie, the guy who's competing with ISIS to win top honors at the annual 'Chopping Block' fest, and off with their infidel right hands, and left foot. Lop off an ear or two, and slice off their protruding infidel noses while you are at it. Toss them from a rooftop, boil them in peanut oil, rack and quarter them, yank their fingernails right out, and even treat them badly by calling them horrible biblical names. There! That should 'teach' them a 'christian' example of 'love thy neighbor, and the subtle art of 'tolerance' as prescribed by Radicalized Evangelicals. Oh, how your mother must be so very 'proud' of her 'stone'em to death' sonny boy, a 'true' testament to his 'faith'. Who will cast the first stone? WWJD?
                                           And the 'difference' between ISIS terrorists, and these radialized 'christian' 'terrorists, 'is'?

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