Thursday, June 8, 2017

Deep Poop!

Trump is a 'serial' liar, and he has hired minions of like mind. We should not be surprised at their refusal to tell the 'truth', 'refusal', which is the same as a 'lie'. They are Far from being off the hook. This is simply a mirror of Trumps entire cabinet of liars, and misfits. If America cannot even remotely expect the 'leaders' of our 'Intelligence', and 'Law Enforcement' agencies to come forth with the 'truth' in 'this' matter, then how can we possibly have Any faith in them in any future matter, in Anything. The longer Trump holds the office of Presidency, the deeper America will sink in his excrement. :/ :/ !

‘Your unwillingness speaks volumes’: Senator rattles intel officials for stonewalling on Trump

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