Monday, June 5, 2017

'Will The 'Real' Problem Please Leave The Building'

It's not just Trump pulling America out of the 'Accord', which in itself is bad enough. Trumps is also leading America down the lonely, and slippery road of isolationism, burning the bridges that We have used over the last decades to build world trust in America showing that as a World 'leader', we'll support our Nation partners through thick and thin. He has already alienated Nations that we need, and is ignoring those that need us, and praises our enemies. He can't build hi...s 'Mexican' wall, so instead, he builds an isolationist 'wall' around our country. In his paranoia he sees a 'Trump enemy' behind every 'wall' that he 'builds', and in the process creates 'real' enemies that we'll all have to deal with for years to come.
The 'problems' for America are not the Paris Accord, the Border Wall, Immigration, Terrorism, the Environment, or the Economy, the Real problem that's 'causing' our 'problems' is our so-called President, our 'leader', Donald Trump. :/

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Elbert Lee Guillory
Paris Accord??
Thank You President Trump! Sir, you are right. The Paris agreement was a bad deal for America.
It would kill the American coal industry while Ch...ina and India (and everyone else) would continue to use coal.
It would cost American taxpayers billion$ in money transfers to developing countries to help them "adjust" to climate change. That's why they all love the deal.
It would cost American taxpayers billion$ in increased energy costs and so called green energy experiments.
It would only have minimal impact on the world's temperature over the next 100 years.
This whole deal, crafted by the DC Dumbos of the last administration, was part of the one world, one government, open borders, environmental wacko ideology. Once again American sacrifice and American money would fuel the deal and the rest of the world could sit back while our workers in the coal industry went on unemployment and food stamps.
Thank you Mr. President for standing up for America!
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